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Picking a president.

Hi Friend,

Blink 10 times and you could miss it. 

Before too long, America is going to be making a choice in the next presidential election. 

As No Labels continues to put in place the nation’s only insurance policy to make sure Americans have a great unifying option on the ballot in 2024, we want – and need – your help. 

Please click HERE to tell us two things:

  1. What traits or positions are you looking for in the person who will lead the country next? 

  1. Are there specific people you would like to see in the Oval Office starting in January 2025? 

Please fill out this simple form yourselves – and forward this link (nolabels.org/2024president) to folks you know so we can get the widest possible input. 

We want to know what you think! 

The No Labels team is working hard to build the elements necessary so if the country demands fresh new leadership in two years, it will be there. 

So please let us know what that would look like to you. 

Thank you for your contributions and support. 

Liz Morrison 
Co-executive director 


No Labels Member Briefing featuring Ryan Clancy on No Labels plans for 2024.
Join us for a free No Labels member briefing on Wednesday, September 21 at 5:30 pm ET.  Ryan will share his thoughts on all the major bipartisan legislation Congress has passed this session and will talk about what we can expect in the months ahead.

Five Facts on Energy Permitting Reform
By No Labels

Congress is set to consider energy permitting reforms proposed by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) before the end of September. The legislation would allow stalled projects to be finished and clear the way for new domestic energy production.

Joe Manchin’s Right. We Need Permitting Reform.
By Jeremiah Johnson

In November 2016, Seattle voters approved a plan to expand the city’s light rail transit system. Almost six years later, the project still hasn’t properly begun. The final version of this EIS won’t be ready until 2023, at which point the project will already have spent hundreds of millions of dollars before a single shovel hits the ground. Current timelines, which might be delayed, call for services on the new lines to be open by 2039.


More Than a Congressman
By Jorge A. Vela

Rep. Enrique Roberto Cuellar (TX-28) — or Henry Cuellar as he is most colloquially known — was born on Sept. 19, 1955 to two migrant worker parents, Martin and Odilia Cuellar. As the eldest brother of eight children, one of his brothers — Martin — also serves the people of Webb County as sheriff. Since an early age, Cuellar worked by helping his parents bring money home by doing small errands and also found the value of an education.

Apple CEO Tim Cook to meet with the Problem Solvers
By Jake Sherman & John Bresnahan

Apple CEO Tim Cook will be on Capitol Hill again today to meet with the Problem Solvers Caucus, the bipartisan group of House lawmakers. Cook met Wednesday with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and a group of House Republicans. These GOP lawmakers raised their concerns with Cook about alleged censorship of conservatives by Big Tech companies.


House Members Introduce Reforms to Election Bill
By Erin Doherty

The proposed legislation, called the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act, is similar to the bipartisan effort in the Senate to reform and modernize the Electoral Count Act, per NBC News, which first reported on the legislation.

Election deniers advanced to November ballots in 27 states, report finds
By Adam Edelman

Candidates who deny the results of the 2020 election have advanced to November ballots in statewide races for positions that will oversee, defend or certify elections in more than half of the states, according to a nonpartisan group tracking the races.

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Every donation of $25 or more to No Labels earns a FREE personalized Membership Card and a letter from our CEO and Founder Nancy Jacobson. Donate today and receive your brand new 2022 No Labels Membership Card! 

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Did you know we have our very own online community where you can connect with No Labels members across the country? Join the No Labels Facebook Ambassador Group today to meet your fellow No Labels supporters and gain exclusive access to content you won't find anywhere else!


1130 Connecticut Ave, N.W., Suite 325 | Washington, DC 20036
202-588-1990 | info@nolabels.org

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