From [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject Hit the Streets and the Spreadsheets to WIN the Midterms for the Movement!
Date September 16, 2022 4:02 PM
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The political winds are shifting and I’m feeling a shift in myself too– could it be possibility? We’re seeing progressive victories in primaries, real momentum around the mid-terms, and movement organizations who have been hard at work protecting voting rights and canvassing to invite people in are staffing up for the final push. We’re under no illusions at the cost of this momentum- the fall of Roe reconnected so many to the stakes, and the task this fall is to knit newcomers into a year round fight for justice, not just a trip to the ballot box.
Hit the Spreadsheets: Give Big & Give Multi Year!
Give to grassroots organizations where C4 Money goes to hiring and training organizers, opening campaign offices, and having 1-1 conversations with thousands of people about what really matters in their lives.
We’re still working to move at least 500k in C4 money to our partners, the Movement for Black Lives Electoral Justice Project and Center for Popular Democracy Action.
Making multi year commitments means they can permanently open organizing offices and run programs through next year, and avoid the temporary boom of the election cycle.
Investing in grassroots organizations instead of directly in candidates means that when candidates are elected, they’re accountable to the thousands of members of a grassroots organization, not to just one political donor. 
Join the Resource Generation Action branch of Seed the Vote to knock doors and build movement power through the 2022 midterms! October 20-24, 2022- Sign Up HERE, and Come to an open house 9/27 for more info!   
We’re looking for RG members– at large, in chapters, new and old, who have vision and excitement around national campaign work to join us to canvas and build relationships with each other.
When: October 20-24th.
Where: Location TBD, likely East Coast.
Can’t make it the weekend of Oct 22? Join with other RG members to canvass with Seed the Vote anytime now until Nov 8th in 7 locations around the country.
As young people with access to wealth, we can show up with more than money– with our hearts and our feet to talk to support movement organizations to invite and absorb new members in key political moments- like elections. Conversations with a voter at the door have been proven to be the most effective thing we can do to get people to vote. In Arizona in 2020, Seed the Vote volunteers had over 16,000 conversations with voters at the door, in a state that was won by only 10,457 votes!
More questions about what canvassing will be like? Check out the delegation guide and Come to an open house 9/15 for more info!
Need more Info on the specifics? 
Center for Popular Democracy Action
Check out and share with family our conversation with CPD Action Co-Directors DaMareo Cooper and Analilia Mejia here, and follow up materials (including detailed opportunities in the field and budget info) to share with friends and family can be found here and here. 
Movement for Black Lives: 
If you're excited to learn more about the specifics of M4BL's Electoral work, check out their Electoral Justice Project 2 pager and their Red, Black and Green New Deal c4 work. 

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