Become A Foster Parent to a Cat or Dog in Need
Have you ever thought about fostering for the Harker Heights Pet Adoption Center?
Foster homes help with socialization, behavioral problems and help pets be ready for adoption. Someone fostering a pet can help with feeding, grooming, health controls, vaccinations, and taking the pet to medical appointments.
Fostering is the most effective way to reduce overcrowding in shelters. Because some pets in shelter homes have behavioral and socialization issues, a fostering environment can give them a chance to be prepared for adoption. Here, animals feel the love and support of their foster pet parents and can overcome fears, recover from trauma, and fully express their personalities ? all critical factors in increasing adoption rates.
WE CURRENTLY NEED FOSTER FAMILIES. Completing a registration packet will allow you to be able to share your home Please stop by City Hall today at 305 Miller?s Crossing and complete a volunteer packet.
![]() Thank you to everyone who wants to help!