The Fourth Circuit hears oral arguments in Coalition for TJ case


Getting into Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology will change a child’s life—which is why the admissions process should be fair and open to all, regardless of race. At oral arguments, PLF must convince the Fourth Circuit that TJ’s new admissions process violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Here are five things you should know about the case.

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The Hill: Biden administration threatens free speech with Title IX gender identity rule


American campuses, which should be havens for free speech, have become infested with puritanical zealotry that does not abide dissent, especially on topics such as race and gender identity.

Unfortunately, write Ethan Blevins and Alison Somin, campus free speech may face yet another setback.

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Why we should always celebrate Constitution Day


It’s easy to skip over Constitution Day, September 17—it commemorates something that happened 235 years ago, after all.

PLF’s mission, however, is to protect and strengthen individual liberties, and the Constitution is our lodestar. This selection of writings examines why Constitution Day is just as important today as it was on that remarkable day in 1787.

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Distilleries heroically stepped up during COVID. The FDA punished them.


In the early days of the pandemic, businesses couldn’t keep up with the demand for hand sanitizer. So, hundreds of shuttered distilleries across the country sprang into action and shifted production from bourbon, vodka, tequila, and gin to hand sanitizer.

Instead of thanking these entrepreneurs for stepping up, explains Daniel Dew, the FDA went after them.

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