Right now, we face a very serious threat from far-Left Biden sycophants like Charlie Crist.
Crist doesn’t only support Biden’s anti-conservative rhetoric, he parrots it!
In a recent press conference, he told reporters that he would never want the support from my supporters because he thinks we have “hate in our hearts.”
Charlie Crist loves Joe Biden’s unhinged attacks on the American people, but he thinks YOU are hateful.
This disgusting rhetoric that sets half of the country against the other half of the country is nothing but a desperate attempt to distract from the failing, leftist policies destroying much of this nation.
Biden and Crist both hope that their hateful speech against YOU will energize their liberal base enough to help them fend off a HUGE loss they fully deserve this November.
But I don’t think they stand a chance.
If the “extremists” like you and me stand together now to continue our fight for common sense and liberty, we will prevail.