From Rev. Warnock (Blue Senate) <>
Subject Your donation today could help me take the lead in Georgia
Date September 16, 2022 2:54 PM
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I'm fired up.

Recent polls show me neck and neck with my Trump-backed opponent, Herschel Walker, which means we're on the cusp of taking the lead! But we can't afford to slow down now.

National Republicans know that the momentum is on our side – that's why they're pouring over $20 million into Walker's campaign to defeat me. With experts from FiveThirtyEight saying this race could decide Senate control, I mean it when I say we have absolutely zero room for error.

Unlike Walker, I'm running this campaign the right way, without a cent from corporate PACs. But with time running out before our midnight fundraising deadline, we're still $8,916 short of what we need to pull ahead and win this race.

That's why I'm personally asking: Will you split $5 or more between my campaign and Blue Senate Candidate Fund right now to help me take the lead, win in Georgia, and defend the Senate for Democrats? Every dollar will make a difference in a race this close.

CHIP IN NOW >> [[link removed]]

Thank you,

Rev. Raphael Warnock

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Paid for by Blue Senate PAC, [link removed], and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

Blue Senate PAC
PO Box 15293
Washington, DC 20003 []
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