John --

As I’m sure you are very much aware, there are just a few days left before the ham is carved, the crackers are pulled and the presents are opened, and I couldn’t let the occasion pass by without acknowledging all of you who read this newsletter each month.

I’ve travelled thousands of kilometres this year spending time in each corner of this vast electorate. Every town and community is different, but equally as important, and I hope that’s been reflected in the content of this newsletter.

I love visiting the businesses that are vital to the success of this region and enjoy sitting down with constituents who’ve contacted me asking for advice or support. Advocacy is something I take seriously and I appreciate people taking time to bring me up to speed on issues that concern them.

I’ve been heavily involved with many issues this year and have championed causes at the highest level, but at this moment in time my thoughts lie with the families and communities that have been affected by the flooding that’s occurred in different parts of this electorate. For them, December has been a difficult month and a bit of Christmas cheer is the order of the day.


Looking at the flood damage at Arundel last week. Ferry Road (as seen in the second photo) has been closed off completely due to the flood damage. The first photo shows farmland where paddocks have been completely flooded and fences washed away. Well done to the amazing volunteers who have been working on the clean up and I hope they have a well deserved Christmas break. 


Many of you reading this will be busy making preparations for the big day and beyond and I hope you are ticking those all-important things off your list. I wish you all a safe and happy festive season. I will take some time to enjoy the company of those I love and hope that you can too.

Jacqui Dean MP

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