Did you ever question the results of the 2020 election? Even in private?
Dear Friend,

Just curious . . .

Did you ever question the results of the 2020 election? Even in private?

Have you ever told anyone that you think our government has become too big or too powerful?

Did you happen to do any of that over Facebook? Even in a private message to someone?

If you did, then you were probably red flagged by Facebook and reported to the FBI!

No, this isn’t a bad joke or hyperbole.

Sources within the Department of Justice recently went public with damning information against Facebook, who literally spied on their own users who questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, flagging them as “anti-government”, and then reported the information to FBI field officers to follow up.

One source recently told the New York Post, “It was done outside of the legal process and without probable cause . . . Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations, which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena.”

Now, the FBI and U.S. Attorneys knew that what they were doing was illegal, because if a “lead” from Facebook required a follow-up, they would then request a subpoena to “officially” get the information.

This is a GROSS violation of our privacy, and it directly ties into my RICO lawsuit that I have filed against Facebook, Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey.

These Big Tech companies are criminal organizations, and it’s our job to SHUT THEM DOWN!

My case is historic, and it’s moving forward . . . but I need your continued help.
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Please, donate to support my work and my RICO case against Facebook, Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey, and stay tuned next week for details on how Big Tech responds to our new amended complaint.


Laura Loomer

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