The American Conservative | Americans opposed to boots on the ground in Ukraine, poll finds
Recent surveys conducted by YouGov in connection with Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) asked 1000 American adults a series of questions on America’s current policy vis-à-vis Ukraine and the Russian invasion. While Americans remain supportive of efforts to economically and financially punish Russia for the invasion of its western neighbor, a plurality of respondents said the United States should not put boots on the ground to assist the Ukrainians. The survey also shows the American people, when given information about America’s pre-existing commitments to Ukraine, believe the U.S. should rein in its military assistance for the Ukrainians to be in line with wealthy European nations.
Washington Examiner | Conservative groups splintering over US aid to Ukraine
Concerned Veterans for America Senior Adviser Dan Caldwell criticized the administration’s latest request, arguing that "at a time of record inflation, high energy prices, and a $30 trillion national debt, the United States should not continue to write a blank check for the war in Ukraine.”
“Continued U.S. aid to Ukraine should be connected to clear U.S. national interests and a strategy to end the bloodshed while avoiding the risks of escalation with a nuclear-armed Russia,” he added. “The Biden administration so far has failed to articulate a clear end-state for its Ukraine policy, and as a result, the Congress should not rubber-stamp this aid request. Our lawmakers have a responsibility to seriously consider the impact massive spending bills like this will have on our economic prosperity and the ability of the United States to defend itself.”