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Dear John,

Over the past few months, Americans have seen disturbing coverage of the squalid conditions that migrant children and their families are enduring at our southern border.

I've visited refugee camps around the world, but I never expected to witness similar conditions in our country. That is what I saw firsthand at the Rio Grande Valley immigration detention facilities in Texas over the weekend.

I was heartbroken to see children suffering at the hands of government officials, corralled in overcrowded border facilities that are unequipped to provide proper accommodations with basic things like toiletries and blankets.

It's unacceptable that the Trump administration is intentionally using cruelty to children as a tool of immigration policy. We can't stand by and watch while the Trump administration fails to improve conditions for migrant children and their families. This is not who we are as a country, John. It's time to take action to solve this crisis once and for all.

I worked with my colleagues to pass a $4 billion supplemental funding package to improve conditions at the border. Now, it's up to the Trump administration to allocate the resources necessary to provide proper care.

We all have a responsibility to fix our broken immigration system: Democrats, Republicans, and the administration must work together to pass comprehensive immigration reform that will ensure humane treatment of migrants while sufficiently securing our border. We came close in 2013, when the Senate adopted comprehensive immigration reform with bipartisan support, and I continue to introduce, co-sponsor, and support measures that can improve our system.

It's time to take action to solve this crisis once and for all. Will you join me in calling on Congress to come together and support comprehensive immigration reform?


Thank you,


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