If you write for the New York Times, expect to be assigned articles condemning China for causing its people enormous inconvenience and discomfort to avoid massive deaths from the coronavirus. The Times clearly shares the capitalist-class viewpoint that the world’s priority should be to get back to business as usual, . . .
Continue reading Why ‘learn to live’ with COVID deaths? at Workers.org
The longest strike in the U.S. is going on right now in Brookwood, Alabama, where United Mine Workers are still on the picket line after 17-plus months. In April 2021, 1,100 workers walked out of the Warrior Met mines. They had given serious wage and benefit concessions to save the . . .
Continue reading Alabama miners defiant in longest U.S. strike underway at Workers.org
Marmet, West Virginia During Labor Day weekend, the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum hosted two ceremonies entitled “Courage in the Hollers” to present permanent monuments in honor of the coal miners who fought in the Battle of Blair Mountain. That conflict is considered the largest labor uprising in U.S. history . . .
Continue reading UMWA commemorates the Mine Wars on Labor Day weekend at Workers.org