
I wanted to send you a quick reminder that this week, we're running a special holiday discount on tickets to Netroots Nation 2020 in Denver. The discount runs through tomorrow at 11:30 p.m. MT. After that, prices will go back up.

Click here to get your discounted ticket for next summer's must-attend conference.

Happy holidays,
Eric Thut

Dear John,

Do you need a recharge and some inspiration for the coming year? Do you want to improve your activism skills in 2020? Why not gift yourself with a ticket to the largest progressive conference of the year?

This week, we're rolling back our rate to attend Netroots Nation 2020.

Click here to get your ticket at our special holiday rollback price and save $50.

Our 2020 conference is August 13-15 in Denver. If you've been to Netroots Nation before, you know what a powerful experience it can be. Attendees have made meaningful connections and friendships, learned new skills and lessons, heard from their favorite progressive leaders, and even found new career opportunities.

Your ticket to Netroots 2020 is an opportunity to learn cutting-edge organizing tactics, dive into conversations about the upcoming elections, and connect with activists from around the country. And even more important, this will be a chance to strategize about how we'll win in 2020—and what our priorities will be after the election.

Click here to reserve your discounted ticket for Netroots Nation 2020 while it lasts—or, gift one to a friend!

We look forward to seeing you in Denver!

Wishing you a peaceful and happy end to 2019.

Mary Rickles
Netroots Nation

PS: Planning begins early for each conference: we're already busy meeting activists on the ground and setting up ways for you to get involved in the planning process. Stay tuned for more info on how you can sign up for a working group or committee.

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