Good morning! The organizers of GroomerFest 2023 want school districts to use taxpayer dollars so teachers can learn how to use drag queen story hours as a way to promote “LGBTQAI+” materials to young children. Do your weekend plans include storming the gates of hell? I close the week reflecting on what that means… But first, here is the Texas Minute for Friday, Sept. 16, 2022. – Michael Quinn Sullivan
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![]() Rodriguez: El Paso Struggles Under Rising Flood Of Illegal Aliens
![]() Teacher-Focused GroomerFest Features ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’
![]() Ashley Biden’s Diary
Number of the Day86,936 Number of words in the Texas Constitution, as of 2017 (it is longer today, with the addition of numerous amendments). Texas does not, however, have the longest state constitution; that distinction goes to Alabama, with nearly 389,000 words. [Source: Council of State Governments] ![]() Friday Reflection: Storm the Gates of Hellby Michael Quinn Sullivan Listen to the Reflections Podcast The roots of self-governance, and most of what we think of as western civilization, can be traced to the 8,500 square miles of land known as Israel. Whatever one thinks of their modern politics in the context of today’s geopolitics, the history of the western world is tied inextricably with the ancient history of Israel. And so are our allusions and metaphors. Biblical stories, allusions, and phrases fill our language. None has intrigued me more over the years than variations around the phrase “the gates of hell.” We use it to indicate a measure of deep resolve. “We’ll storm the gates of hell!” you’ve heard countless heroes in movies and books say about the impossible task ahead. It’s also a very real place, and I am not talking metaphysics. You can go to the gates of hell right now. It’s located in the archaeologically protected area of Caesarea Philippi, and the entire area is actually quite beautiful. But 2,000 years ago... it was the site of nasty forms of pagan worship. The caverns were believed to be gates to the underworld – to hell – and so acts of grotesque bestiality were performed at the mouth of the cave to call forth the fertility god Pan. To Jews living in those ancient times, the entire area was considered unclean – so they stayed far away. Yet in Matthew 16, we find Jesus took His disciples there. Overlooking the pagan site, He told those Jewish men they would be the basis of His church. That had to be a little uncomfortable. Rather than ignore places of unspeakable evil, Jesus wanted His disciples to overcome them; doing so required acknowledging they exist. To stand against evil, we must be willing to fight against it. This is the place where Jesus tells Peter – a nickname meaning “the rock” – that he will be the “rock” on which a church is built “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Congratulations, eh? They were literally standing at a wholly unclean place – the picture of evil – and Jesus is saying, “You will spend your time overcoming places like this, and we’ll build the church on top of those efforts. Now get to work!” Those expecting a “safe and comfortable” assignment were in for a long and fruitless wait. There is nothing comfortable or safe about prevailing against the gates of hell. But we’re not called to lives of comfort and safety; we are called to be faithful. We must engage culture and politics with the conviction we’re fighting a righteous fight for the very soul of our nation. Ready to go do some storming? ![]() Quote-Unquote“I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth.” – Martin Luther ![]() Your Federal & State LawmakersThe districts displayed here should reflect those recently redrawn by the Legislature. Though the new lines do not take representational effect until 2023, they will appear on the 2022 ballot. Please note that your incumbent legislator and/or district numbers may have changed. U.S. Senator Commissioner of Agriculture Something not right? |