Only 36 hour left and there's still a long way to go
Only 36 hours remain...and we still need $4,000! This is getting down to the wire!

For 20 years, we have striven to bring to you the best journalism in defense of the Historic American Nation. No other non-profit in America can make that claim.

Your donations today support this important work. And for this short time, if you donate any amount, a fellow patriot in Texas will match your donation dollar for dollar:

$5 from you = $10 for to buy office supplies
$25 from you = $50 for to ship books to our supporters
$50 from you = $100 for a week's worth of image licensing and design
$100 from you = $200 for to pay writers for one basic article
$250 from you = $500 for to fly one of our own to speak or present around the country.

And at $250 or above, you'll be entered to win three signed books!

If you have already contributed to this effort, you have my sincere and profound thanks. If you haven't, please consider your most generous donation, today!