
We rallied all over the country to impeach Trump for his historic corruption, but now Mitch McConnell is vowing to come to his defense.

“The way that impeachment stops is with a Senate majority with me as Majority Leader”

McConnell thinks defending Trump will get him big campaign donations - and save his election. We need our small donors to support activists in Kentucky and fight back! >>> Donate to our DEFEAT Mitch McConnell fund! >>>

Look at the massive turnout outside his office on Tuesday!

Mitch McConnell is down in the polls because regular people are taking action. Only 18% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell! Only 37% say they would vote for him in the next election!

McConnell is really shaking. We need hundreds of small donors to topple him NOW!

He’s banking on getting big donations for defending Trump. Big donors want to re-elect Trump and McConnell so they can continue to rig the system for their benefit at the expense of everyone else.

McConnell has:

Big donors like that agenda because it allows them to keep getting a payoff from the rigged system that works in their favor.

Can you chip in just $5 to DEFEAT McConnell?

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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