Following reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is delaying sending the House’s Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate for a trial until the Senate can agree to a process the House deems "fair," House

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Lots of Liberals Think Last Night's Impeachment Vote Means Trump Is Leaving Office

By Brittany M. Hughes | 19 Dec 2019

A whole lot of leftists are celebrating this morning over the impeachment of President Donald Trump, delivered in a late night Wednesday vote by the House, because they think it means Trump is leaving office.Oops.To...

Trump 2020 Campaign Reportedly Raises 'Over' $5 Mil. on Day of Impeachment

By Nick Kangadis | 19 Dec 2019

Despite being impeached by House Democrats on Wednesday night, President Donald Trump’s campaign reportedly raised over $5 million dollars towards his re-election efforts.Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale tweeted late Wednesday that they had raised...

'Heartbroken' Nancy Pelosi Signals For Dems to Shut Up As Applause Erupts Following Impeachment Vote

By Brittany M. Hughes | 18 Dec 2019

Remember how Nancy Pelosi kept waxing poetic about how sorrowful and solemn and "prayerful" she's been over this whole impeachment nonsense?Apparently, the truth doesn't matter...butappearances are everything.Following the vote on Article Ito impeach President Donald...

WATCH: Nike Sucks...Aaaaand They Just Gave Us Another Reason Why - OLF

By Nick Kangadis | 19 Dec 2019

Thanks for joining me in the last Out Of Left Field on 2019!Nike recently announced the release of a new shoe that's going to commemorate all things Colin Kaepernick, even the date of the first...


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