Our nation’s roads, ports, ferries, airports, and railroads support thousands of businesses and jobs across Washington state, and the country.

I’m working to put Washington on a path to future economic growth by securing funding to repair our infrastructure and build an efficient, reliable, and modern transportation network.

Two of our state’s most important channels for freight and commuter travel are finally receiving the funding for necessary repairs: The Salmon Bay Bridge will receive $25 million from the infrastructure grant program I spearheaded, and the West Seattle Bridge will reopen this week after 2 years of repairs.

I will continue working with the Washington State Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation to improve railway infrastructure, roads and highways, water and energy sustainability, and more.

Will you stand with me in our continued work to create a well-connected, safe, and efficient infrastructure system here in Washington and nationwide?
While we continue rebuilding our economy and trade in a post-pandemic world, investing in infrastructure is key to ensuring that growth is sustainable.

That’s why I’ve led the work in the Senate to create and expand federal funding for important infrastructure projects that not only create jobs, but also enhance climate resiliency, support safe and smart transportation, efficiently move goods, and improve our quality of life.

I will remain committed to securing investments in critical infrastructure in Washington state and across the country. Add your name to join me in supporting this ongoing work!

Thanks for standing with me.





Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States