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Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! 

Hola Mi Gente!

Today, the DNC is kicking off Hispanic Heritage Month by announcing our latest Spanish language ad buy, this investment is over half a million dollars, to highlight how President Biden and Democrats’ leadership is delivering for Latino families and to hold Republicans accountable for pursuing an extreme agenda. This is on top of the seven figure investments the DNC has made to reach Latino voters this cycle. 

DNC Spanish Press Release

The Hill: DNC announces half-million dollar bilingual ad investment for Hispanic Heritage Month

“The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Thursday announced a half-million dollar ad campaign in Spanish and English to commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month. The campaign will feature ads on Spanish-language radio stations and print, as well as bilingual digital ads… The Hispanic Heritage Month investment comes on top of a seven-figure investment announced by the DNC in spring as part of ‘Adelante,’ the party’s 2022 Latino outreach program.”

EFE: Demócratas anuncian inversión de medio millón en publicidad para latinos
“El Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC) anunció este jueves una asignación de más de medio millón de dólares en una campaña publicitaria dirigida a los votantes latinos cuando quedan 54 días para las elecciones de medio término.”

Latin US: Demócratas preparan su mayor inversión en medios enfocada a los votantes latinos: “Sabrán lo que Biden ha hecho por ellos”
“El Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC) estadounidense, que gestiona el día a día del Partido Demócrata, aborda las elecciones legislativas de noviembre con un foco especial en el votante latino, para el que contempla una campaña específica en los medios para luchar contra la desinformación. ‘Los latinos van a oír hablar de los demócratas más que nunca’, apuntó este miércoles en una conferencia telemática María Cardona, consejera del DNC y antigua asesora en la creación y divulgación del programa de enlaces e iniciativas para la comunidad latina ‘ADELANTE’.”

If you’d like to volunteer with us this month, please join us for our Adelante x Llamando Contigo Latino phone banks! We’ll be hosting multiple phone and text bank events weekly featuring Latino candidates and elected officials as surrogates. Our first one is TONIGHT September 15th with Candidate Michelle Vallejo from TX-15. 


Here’s a few things that DNC has done this cycle to reaching Latino voters: 

  • As part of the DNC’s commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month, it is announcing over half a million dollars in paid media investments that will run over its entirety, including ads on Spanish-language radio stations, Spanish-language print and community newspapers, as well as digital ads in both English and Spanish. 

  • This cycle, the DNC has already done several rounds of paid media, in addition to this announcement today, on Spanish-language radio and print in over a dozen states, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, and more. 

  • Today’s announcement comes in addition to the seven figures in midterm investments that the DNC announced in the spring as part of the launch of its signature Latino community outreach program Adelante. 

  • Last week, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison joined the DNC’s Hispanic Media Director Maca Casado and DNC Advisor Maria Cardona on a call with Latino reporters from across the country to highlight the DNC's historic investment in outreach to Latino voters through its signature program Adelante ahead of the midterm elections. 

  • The DNC has also partnered with sister committees and state parties to invest in Latino coalition-building and organizing in targeted coordinated campaigns across several states including Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, and more. 

  • As part of its efforts to hire staff that represents the community it serves, the DNC hosted a Campaign Readiness Project bootcamp focused around recruiting, training, and placing in battleground states, bilingual staff. 

  • This effort helped increase bilingual staff on the ground at all levels of experience and put particular focus on recruiting for bilingual communications, coalitions and organizing staff to help build the pipeline for both 2022 and 2024.

Michelle Villegas 
DNC Latino Coalition Director
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