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The election is exactly 8 weeks from today. To countdown, we thought it was time to take a trip down memory lane and revisit the Top 8 Unhinged Paul LePage Moments from his time as governor.

LePage’s history of erratic behavior and violent rhetoric didn’t just give Maine a bad reputation, it prevented our state government from functioning properly and hurt working Mainers as a result. Now he’s trying to rebrand himself as LePage 2.0, but after threats to physically assault a Maine Dems staffer and promises to double down on the same failed policies from his first term make it clear: LePage is still the same brazen bully he’s always been.

If you’re ready to stop Paul LePage, pitch in $5 now. If you need one reason why you should donate — don’t worry, we’ve got 8 of them right below.

Top 8 Unhinged Paul LePage Moments

  1. When LePage declared Hispanic people the “enemy”, and then said “You shoot at the enemy.”
  2. When LePage baselessly claimed that drug dealers come to Maine to “impregnate a young white girl before they leave.”
  3. When LePage told a political cartoonist’s son, “I’d like to shoot him,” about his father.
  4. When the NAACP invited LePage to an MLK Day event, he RSVP’d by saying "Tell them to kiss my butt."
  5. When LePage told President Obama to “Go to hell.”
  6. When he told Mainers, "If you want a good education go to private schools. If you can’t afford it, tough luck. You can go to the public school.”
  7. When he threatened to attack Maine’s journalists by declaring, “I want to find the Press Herald building and blow it up.”
  8. When told a reporter that he’d like to challenge former State Representative (and current ME Dems Chair) Drew Gattine to a duel, saying, “I would point it right between his eyes, because he is a snot-nosed little runt."

We don’t need to add any more LePage moments to this list. Can you help us reach our mid-month goals and chip in $5 to help keep him out of office?

Thank you,

Gaetan Davis
Executive Director, Maine Dems





Paid for by Maine Democratic Party. Not Authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Maine Democratic Party
PO Box 5258
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
