This November, organized labor will combat the power of organized money. Our political system has favored the wealthy and well-connected for far too long. No more—our voices WILL be heard.
Freedom to organize a union. Labor 2022. Protect our freedoms. AFL-CIO

Hi John,


This November, organized labor will combat the power of organized money. We’re voting to protect our freedoms—and our voices will be heard. Sign the pledge to vote in November.

When workers organize, we change the world.


Unions won us safer workplaces, eight-hour workdays and the weekend.


Now we must organize at the voting booth to protect our freedoms.


We need to elect people who will fight for workers, not corporate CEOs.


Who will make it easier to join a union, not break a union.


Who will expand access to health care, not take it away.


Who believe in American democracy and the right to vote. Full stop.


Workers have the power to make a difference in this election. We will make the difference. They can outspend us, but they can never out-organize us.


So John, will you pledge to vote in November?


In Solidarity,




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