Thus far, some escalations to the war in Ukraine proposed for months in Washington, but opposed by RootsAction and others, have not been made, including the creation of a No Fly Zone and the provision of fighter jets to Ukraine. Even the blockade of the Black Sea, opposed by a RootsAction DIY petition, has been partially broken.

But the war and the weapons shipments roll on, and the risk of escalation, including nuclear escalation, continues to rise. RootsAction has supported a week of actions for peace this week.

Here's what we're planning for October:

RootsAction is coordinating the nationwide organizing of events in October that will focus on reducing the current high risks of nuclear war.

Find an overview of the October events here. They include a livestream on Oct. 2, picket lines on Oct. 14 and community events on Oct. 16.

Click here to register for the Defuse Nuclear War live stream.

Informational picket lines on Friday, October 14 will be on the last weekday before the 60th anniversary of the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis. They will present an opportunity for individuals and organizations to visibly convey their concerns. With activities outside congressional district offices and Senate in-state offices, the emphasis will be on actions that the U.S. government should take now to reduce the present-day risks of nuclear war.

Progressive Hub has just turned 1 year old. If you're not getting news and actions from Progressive Hub, here are a few things you're missing:

If endless news reports that treat with the utmost solemnity the pronouncements of paid advocates for the stupidity of mass slaughter start to get you down, remember the observation of Barbara Ehrenreich, whom we lost this month, that a likely origin of war is far from glorious or noble. Having hunted big game to extinction, and not wanting to abandon their status or weapons, certain humans came up with the brilliant idea of hunting each other.

At the state level, across the U.S., we're working on ranked choice voting, as well as automatic voter registration, Electoral College elimination, and death penalty abolition.

At the federal level, we're trying to save the U.S. Postal Service from the man in charge of it.

A few upcoming events:

Help us do more! This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $5 now.

-- The Team

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