Jack, we were checking our records and noticed that we haven’t heard from you in regards to your membership renewal. Now is the perfect time to make your 2022 renewal gift.
We’re working to restore the vibrant redwood forests to the scale and grandeur that once graced the California coast and the Sierra Nevada. Our vision includes protecting and restoring redwood forests and creating new opportunities for visitors to connect with their wonders.
To fulfill this vision, we rely on our generous members. Will you renew your support today?

1. Safeguarding Redwood Forests
Your support allows us to safeguard old-growth forests and the surrounding lands and waterways that nourish them by negotiating the best deal to buy the land and ultimately save the redwoods.


2. Wildfire Protection
We’re ramping up efforts to ensure that coast redwood and giant sequoia landscapes are prepared for a future with more extreme wildfire.
3. Forest Restoration
There are redwood forests that are protected in State and National Parks that bear the scars of industrial-scale commercial logging. With your help, we are healing forests to make the conditions ripe for the old-growth forests of the future.


4. Education
The League partners with schools, educational organizations, and parks to provide education programs that encourage youth to experience the redwoods. Your gift helps to train the next generation of conservationists.
5. Connection
Now more than ever, we believe that coast redwood and giant sequoia parks make people’s lives better and our communities stronger. We’re increasing opportunities for everyone to experience the awe of the forests.

Bonus reason — you’ll feel great knowing your renewed support is having a powerful impact!
This is the transformative work that your gifts make possible.