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Race + Power Weekly

In this week’s Race + Power newsletter we launch a series of short films from Edge Leadership, NPQ’s R+D space for leaders of color. First, an audio clip from Saphia Suarez—the creator of the series—gives an overview of the three microfilms and the purpose of the series. Then, the first film, which is a satirical take on challenging the power of philanthropy. In the third piece, we learn about one funder’s journey to right relationship with the communities it serves. Finally, sign up to learn more about the microfilm series, including an upcoming screening in NYC with cast and crew.

Edge Studios Microfilms: A Liberatory Narrative

Hear what Saphia Suarez has to say about her three-part series exploring liberatory narratives. Watch and read more…
Selecting Case Management Technology for Your Non-Profit
While needs and requirements vary by organization, there are some basic questions you can start with to narrow down the field.
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Swinging Philanthropy Dick Is Indecent

In the first installment of Saphia Suarez’s series, an overstepping funder is tried in a reparations and restoration trial. Watch and read more…
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Building a Racial Justice Fund in Atlanta: One United Way’s Journey

In Atlanta, like most cities, the local United Way has largely funded direct services. But 2020 led to a search for structural solutions—and the creation of a racial justice fund. Read more…
Be Bold. Lead with confidence.
Get the white paper that will help your organization become memorable and credible. At Springtide Research Institute, we love helping people in organizations figure out how to bring their big, bold ideas to life.
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Learn More About Edge Studios

Introducing Edge Studios—film production for social change. Brought to you by NPQ's Edge Leadership. Find out more…
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