Strike a blow for bodily autonomy
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** Our chance to build on previous success
We are filing another amicus brief. There are a lot of opportunities to cause positive change right now, and we don't want to miss this one.
This amicus brief will be the Fifth Circuit to oppose Biden's Executive Order 14043, which made covid vaccination mandatory for federal workers. The case is Federal Employees v. Biden.
The district court blocked Biden's mandate. It came with an injunction on implementing the mandate. Good. Then the Fifth Circuit vacated the injunction aspect, pending a review by the entire panel of Fifth Circuit judges.
We seek a favorable judgment from that full panel review.
You may be one of the people who donated to a previous brief to the Supreme Court in a related case, National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor. Our position prevailed in that case.
We also filed another brief ([link removed]) in a similar case, Missouri v. Biden. This one opposed Biden's covid shot mandate on health care workers working for employers funded by CMS. We are still waiting to hear the result.
In review. We've fought for healthcare workers and federal government employees. We won a victory for employees at private businesses.
A strong legal brief in Federal Employees v. Biden would be quite helpful to the cause of denying presidents the leeway to assume arbitrary power over our lives and bodies. No part of this mandate should survive. If you want that, please donate to this brief...
End Unconstitutional Mandates ([link removed])
NOTE: We’re encouraging you to contribute to our sister group, the Downsize DC Foundation at the Zero Aggression Project. That way, your donation is tax-deductible, if you itemize.
Set your own agenda,
Jim Babka, President
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC
P.S. At no point, in this message, have we suggested (or even implied) that you should or should not get a shot. It's your body. But please feel free to unsubscribe if that's what you think we just did.
However, if you're smart enough to recognize that we didn't do that, rather, we advocated for the self-ownership principle, then we want you to know something… Each time we've asked for support for these briefs, we've received angry messages and unsubscribes - including some from historical donors. So we need your support. Please click the button above and give.
** Today's Action: Contribute to a legal brief for Federal Employees v. Biden ([link removed])
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