Some happenings with RG!



As of this week, ***401*** RGers signed onto RG's Giving Pledge meeting our annual goal of getting 400 Giving Pledge signatures by 2020!


Through the Giving Pledge and our Giving Guidelines, RG asks people in the top 10% to develop plans to redistribute all or almost all inherited wealth and/or excess income to social justice movements in alignment with our social justice giving principles. 

Learn more and help us get folks with access to wealth to sign RG's Giving Pledge here.



Please get your 2019 pledge in by end of year!

Building our membership means mobilizing more money for social justice movements, more opportunities to build authentic cross-class campaigns with our partners, and more visibility as young people with class privilege and access to wealth who reject the status quo and instead are organizing for the equitable distribution of wealth, land, and power.

As an almost entirely member-funded organization, we are #InItTogether!!!




We are recruiting for 2 full-time Regional Organizers!!!

New England Regional Organizer - application due 1/26

Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizer - application due 1/26


Application instructions and additional details here.



Student Organizing Fellows will be supporting RG student leaders on college campuses across the country to bring more wealthy and class-privileged students into movements for racial and economic justice, build strong relationships across class, and learn and develop skills along the way!

We’re grateful to Harshita, Rose, and Shira for their strong leadership & vision, and excited for what they’ll be up to this year! Read their new blog posts here.





It has been a busy and exciting fall at BARG! 

We kicked off a joint effort (with campaign partner MUA and many others) to support 'Schools and Communities First', a tax justice ballot measure to roll back the commercial property tax loopholes created by Prop 13 and reclaim $12 billion per year for California schools and cities. 

We showed up to support local movements, including standing with immigrant women in a fight to uphold sanctuary for asylum seekers who are fleeing from domestic violence and joining the actions for housing justice and in support of Moms 4 Housing, as well chaperoning Oakland Tech students to the September Climate March.

We also planned goals for a bigger and more impactful RG BARG at our leadership retreat!

RG Chicago 

The Chicago chapter gathered at its annual end-of-the-year social to celebrate this year’s accomplishments and hopes for next year.

RG Colorado

Colorado is making moves to grow and deepen our chapter’s engagement and delegate leadership action items to get the ball rolling. After a retreat with RG National Organizer Christina Brown in early November, we’ve been making plans to keep our former praxis attendees engaged, activate community partnerships with other organizations and campaign work.  

We hope to incorporate our Young People of Color With Wealth (YPOCWW) caucus into our chapter-wide meetings ASAP. Our leadership team, self-termed “the Vortex” will be hosting intentional gathering events, giving plan workshops, and 1-on-1s as well as the continuation of praxis. Stay tuned to read about Resource Generation Colorado’s new endeavors in the coming months!


The Los Angeles chapter came together to do a one day giving circle and embraced all the messiness, joy and learning that comes with that experience. We laughed, we cried, we did a little dance and moved $30,000 collectively to local, national and other place-based organizations.

The groups we moved money to are working on issues relating to Indigenous community-based work, electoral organizing, a national formation of a Left social movement, Translatin@ organizing and also challenging the prison industrial complex. We ate vegan pizza, minced meat pie and homemade kombucha as we learned from each other and take the lessons forward for the future. :) 

RG Philly

RG Philly has been working to raise $500,000 for our partner, the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund, in order to support 3 paid staff positions over 3 years. The goal of these positions is to end cash bail in Philly. After holding a transformative fundraising training, a fundraising party, & having 1:1 conversations, 38 people have pledged to the campaign, totaling $440,000 in pledges. We plan to raise the rest by the end of January!

We have also strengthened our partnership with Our City Our Schools & Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities to end the ten year tax abatement in order to fund public schools & affording housing. 

We have 3 new praxis groups convening in the beginning of 2020: 2 white & 1 POC, each group having 9 participants.

RG Portland

This month the chapter wrapped up our campaign to raise money and gather people around the work of Social Justice Fund NW, our local social justice funder. It was the first time we'd run a campaign of any kind, and we learned a lot in the process. In the end, we raised $42k within the chapter for SJF's operating costs and threw 4 house parties that brought 30-40 people (about half-and-half RG constituents and not) together to learn about SJF. Each house party involved group discussions about our values and one way we'll commit to meaningful action, such as a financial pledge to SJF!

RG Ann Arbor (A2)

RG Ann Arbor is very excited to be on our way to officially becoming a chapter! Our second-ever praxis group is in full swing and we hosted our first-ever giving party this month. We are planning an open house for January 2020 with a goal of increasing our outreach to new members — if anyone has possible RG constituent connections in the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area, please let us know ([email protected])!

RG A2 chapter members have also been partnering with Peace House Ypsi, a local house of hospitality and mutual aid in the tradition of the Catholic Worker movement. Through donor organizing, moving money, and administrative support, RGers have been part of the process of purchasing the house as a permanent community-owned resource!


RG has 16 chapters and college hubs across the U.S.
Learn more and get involved here.





Transforming Philanthropy is an intimate retreat is geared toward young people who are roughly in the top 1% of the U.S. economy. 

There are less than 40 spots remaining for this conference which happens only every other year. Register now to ensure your spot.

Also, with the holidays around the bend, think about if there are any family members or other young people in your network who you might want to recruit to attend.

Help make the conference powerful by taking a moment to vote on which workshop topics to offer.



For RG members*: Register for "Organizing Your Family" webinar on Wednesday January 15th, 2020, 7-8:30 ET/4-5:30 PT

One of the biggest things High Net Wealth and Family Philanthropy RG members
are challenged by is starting and moving conversations with family about wealth redistribution.

In this webinar, learn from RG member Hanna Mahon and her mother, Annie Mahon, about their evolving conversations and actions to shift power in their family philanthropy and spend into grassroots movements.

Learn strategies and share stories about what it takes to connect with family members around shared values. Join to get support to plan how you’ll address decision makers in your family constellations to move money towards justice. 

*This webinar is open to all RG members, but is designed to address issues that come up in high net wealth families and family philanthropy. 





Learn more about RG membership here!


