Hello John,
My name is Steven Martin, I am an avid supporter of Chris Bubser, and I am living with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML).
It is not curable and my medicine costs $145,000 a year.
Because my Leukemia is not considered “severe enough” the only anti-poverty program I qualify for is SNAP. I have been receiving $196 a month for food. But right now, those benefits are being cut by Trump and the Republicans.
This administration’s proposed rule change to SNAP would cut benefits for those who do not work a 20-hour workweek. I find this to be an outrage. I take daily medicine that debilitates me to the point where sometimes I can’t get out of bed. I get migraines, swollen joints, nerve pain, bone pain, confusion, hot flashes, and chronic nausea.
Many Americans have stories just like mine. Suffering is not just existential, sometimes it can come straight from your bones. At least in my case, it does.
It’s candidates like Chris Bubser that fuel my faith. Chris knows that taking food from the sick and starving goes against our American values. She knows that our healthcare system is broken and fails people like me everyday.
That's why today, I am humbly asking you to join me in supporting Chris Bubser's campaign for Congress in California's 8th District.
We need to send healthcare champions like Chris Bubser to Congress. My life --and the lives of millions of Americans -- are depending on us to take action.
Thanks in advance for your support,
Steven Martin