
On Tuesday, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a bill that would ban abortion in America.

You read that right: a national abortion ban.

Friend, Lindsey Graham's dangerous bill is proof that the conservative Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade was only the beginning.

Right-wing extremists won't stop until our fundamental rights are gone.

Like you, I believe women deserve to make our own personal health care choices. These decisions belong to us -- not judges and politicians.

That's why I'm fighting with everything I have to ensure Democrats win key races up and down the ticket in Michigan. We have to defeat Republicans in the upcoming midterm election so we can stop their constant assault on our fundamental rights.

Please, donate $25 or more now and support my efforts to ensure Democrats win up and down the ticket in the upcoming midterms. With your help, I know we can win in Michigan and hold on to our Democratic majority in Congress.

Let's turn our anger into victory in November.

Thank you for your incredible support,


Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator





Paid for by Stabenow for U.S. Senate

Contributions or gifts to Stabenow for U.S. Senate are not tax deductible.
Stabenow for U.S. Senate
P.O. Box 4945
Lansing, MI 48826
United States


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