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As we continue to celebrate this holiday season and prepare for the new year, I send my sincerest appreciation to everyone who attended this year’s Ward 5 holiday party. We enjoyed a wonderful evening with music by DJ P Knock, bingo, Santa Claus, and some of Ward 5’s most exceptional food. In particular, I thank the student volunteers from Dunbar High School, Archbishop Carroll High School, and Luke C Moore Opportunity High School who helped serve seniors and kept the night running smoothly.
The highlight of the evening was the tremendous gratitude shown in the form of toy donations for children in our community through the Women’s Wing organization. We were able to collect over 30 bags of brand new toys, which have been provided to children who have an incarcerated parent. This year’s event meant so much more because, as you might have heard ([link removed][UNIQID]) , the Women’s Wing organization had many of their toy donations and party decorations stolen, literally days before the event. I was so heartened to see how the community rallied to pull together more gifts, and the event was a major success. In an extra effort to support this year’s event under extraordinary circumstances, I opened my office as a toy donation drop off the day before the giveaway and was able to collect more than one hundred more gifts,
some of which you can see pictured above.
It is moments like these when we rally together to support each other amid adversity, which reminds me of the many reasons why I love being your councilmember. During this holiday season, I wish you good health, prosperity, and love.
In service,
In this issue of the Ward 5 Report:
* McDuffie in the News
* Community Conversations on Public Safety
* Kenyan in the Community
* Edgewood Recreation Center Groundbreaking
* Get a Free SoberRide Dec 20 through Jan 1
* Hiring Event - January 7, 2020
** McDuffie in the News
* Councilmember McDuffie sat down withJoe Madison on SiiriusXM Urban View ([link removed][UNIQID]) to talk about his Clean Slate DC bill on criminal record reform.
* The Washington Post talked toCouncilmember McDuffie about Women's Wing's ([link removed][UNIQID]) stolen toys and how the community has stepped up to help.
** Community Conversations on Public Safety
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Over the course of the past week, Councilmember McDuffie hosted a series of three Community Conversations on Public Safety in Ward 5. The meetings were well attended and productive opportunities for residents to learn about initiatives currently in place as well as share ideas and concerns directly with Councilmember McDuffie and other public safety officials.
** Kenyan in the Community
* Councilmember McDuffie updated the community on the status of the fire in a Fort Lincoln Senior Building ([link removed][UNIQID]) on the morning of Sunday, December 15.
* Councilmember McDuffie provides an update ([link removed][UNIQID]) to the Washington Post shortly after a homicide on Rhode Island Avenue NE.
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** Edgewood Recreation Center Groundbreaking
Councilmember McDuffie invites you to join him this Saturday, December 21, at 11:30 am for the Grand Opening of the NEW Edgewood Recreation Center.
The new, state-of-the-art facility replaces a small, outdated field house and represents the culmination of years of advocacy by Councilmember McDuffie and the Edgewood community during many budget cycles.
The new Edgewood Recreation Center includes a fitness center, community rooms, a teaching kitchen, a tech lounge, an indoor gym, and a rooftop community garden.
DATE: Saturday, December 21
TIME: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
LOCATION: 301 Franklin St NE
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** Get a Free SoberRide Dec 20 through Jan 1
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** Hiring Event - January 7, 2020
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