What if they were in charge?
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Imagine a world in which people think fitting shock collars on their security teams is a reasonable course of action. Now imagine those people are in charge, and they're unfettered by laws and media exposure.

When 1stMarineJarHead posted the link in the comments I thought, wait, is it really going to be as bad as it sounds?

It was.

LINK: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/wealthy-preppers-shock-collars-shtf-security/

What are your thoughts on this? Do you have a security philosophy you want to share in the comments? Would you ever hire yourself out to people to handle security in return for safety? Let's discuss this in the comments.

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Tortillas can be used in ways that go far beyond the taco. Here's some of the fabulous fare you can create with the humble tortilla.

LINK: https://thefrugalite.com/thrifty-things-to-do-with-tortillas/
From the Archives

The one thing hardly anyone preps for could be the most dangerous thing in a crisis. Fatigue must be managed or it can be deadly for you and others.

Check out this throwback. From Selco's experience, it's not the "pandemic virus" that will cause most people problems. It's the collapse of the system and essential services.
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These 5 situational awareness tips can help you to foresee a problem before it occurs - and possibly prevent it entirely.

LINK: https://mind4survival.com/5-situational-awareness-tips-to-help-you-become-more-alert/
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