Additional coverage and affordability reforms could ensure almost 3.7 million more people have comprehensive health coverage in 2023. This new study also projects the reforms’ effects on federal spending and the deficit for 10 years.
The temporary freeze on Medicaid disenrollment during the public health emergency may have helped improve continuity of coverage, particularly in states that had expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act before the pandemic began.
All $178 billion of the COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund were allocated, and it’s likely the fund was depleted as of July 2022. However, providers have returned nearly $10 billion, and HHS expects more to be returned.
Prisons have a long history of violating people’s reproductive freedom and physical autonomy. Explore new research on reproductive health care access and quality for incarcerated people and what evidence gaps remain.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the MPFS. A group of Medicare experts share comments on proposed MPFS rulemaking and highlight payment reform challenges, including distorted fees and misvalued services.