Every five years, our Congress gathers over 1000 Green representatives, from ministers to grassroots activists in our member parties. This Congress is an opportunity to reaffirm our shared values and set the tone and strategic direction for the 2024 European Elections campaign.
Never have the Greens received the trust of citizens in so many local offices, regional parliaments and national governments, leading the crucial transformation towards a fair and sustainable future.
We show in all the political layers our strong drive and values to change the future for the better, while demonstrating the willingness to find credible responses to the crises we are living.
We will be facing enormous challenges in autumn, from energy security to inflation and food security, to name a few. At the same time, we must continue to fight for climate justice as climate catastrophes increase in frequency and intensity.
This Congress will be a decisive political and strategic moment to bring together Green Parties, activists and decision makers working on and putting into practice our Green answers to difficult and complex questions, such as:
- How can we continue to push for an energy transition while mitigating energy poverty in Europe?
- How can we enhance Europe’s unity in support of Ukraine and standing up to Putin’s threat?
- And how can we maintain solidarity as we face the consequences of pandemic, war and the climate crisis?
We will also start laying the groundwork for the upcoming 2024 European elections. We will shape our shared vision for the future of Europe and the European Union, which has played a central role in weathering recent shocks but must ramp up efforts on the fight against climate change, the just transition and enhancing democracy.
We encourage all Green party members and delegates to save the date, book their travels, and join us on 2–4 December 2022.
We will be sharing more information with you in the coming weeks.
You can register for the Congress here and find the draft programme here. You can also find the latest information on the Congress website.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Copenhagen!
Kind regards,
Benedetta De Marte
EGP Secretary General