Dear Partners, 

Yesterday we held our final Health Action webinar of the year, where we discussed H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Act, and other major legislative developments as we close out 2019. You can view a recording here.

On the webinar, Sean Dickson of the West Health Policy Center broke down the policies and proposals that Congress debated in 2019. Catherine Horine, a patient advocate from Illinois, also joined us to share her story and commented on the impacts the proposed policies in H.R. 3 would have for her. Finally, Shawn Gremminger, our Senior Director of Federal Relations, ran through the legislative vehicles and political dynamics at play this session.


View the recording and final slides here.


Thank you for joining us throughout 2019 as we work together toward a nation where the best health and health care are equally accessible and affordable to all.

To your health,

Justin Mendoza, Senior Partnerships Manager, Families USA

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