John Fetterman.
Mandela Barnes.
Tim Ryan.

John, these are the Democrats running for three of the most flippable Senate seats this fall — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio. Their races are key to expanding our 50-50 Democratic majority.

And with polls tightening across the country, it’s clear: We can win in all three of these battlegrounds.

Help expand the Senate — donate now >>

If we can flip all three seats, we’ll close Mitch McConnell’s path to retaking the majority. But Republicans are seeing the same polls we are, and they’re spending millions of dollars on ads attacking John Fetterman, Mandela Barnes, and Tim Ryan. We need your help to flip these GOP seats.

Will you rush in a donation now to help expand our Senate majority? The first $50,000 raised toward tomorrow’s mid-month goal will have triple the impact!

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Thank you,

Defend the Senate