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Team, with less than 8 weeks left to go, we’re getting conflicting signals about what to expect on Election Day.

While we may not know what the outcome will be, we do know this: If Democrats narrowly lose the House Majority to Trump’s MAGA Republicans, we’ll wish we had done more to stop it!

Don’t let that happen! Rush a 6X matched donation to save the Democratic House Majority >>>

Trying to predict what will happen on Election Day is impossible.

On the one hand, Democrats have POLLING and MOMENTUM on our side! For the first time this year, Democrats are leading in the generic ballot polls, and surprise victories in New York and Alaska prove that voters are responding to our message.

But on the other hand, Republicans have HISTORY and MONEY on their side. That’s why the Associated Press is reporting that “the possibility of a great red wave still looms,” and, according to Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, Republicans are still favored to seize control of the House Majority!

Simply put, the battle for control of the House Majority is a toss-up, and we can’t waste time trying to guess whether Democrats will win in November. Instead, we need to DOUBLE DOWN on our efforts to do everything we can to MAKE SURE Democrats win! Will you rush a 600% MATCHED donation now to do your part?

To be honest, Team, we’re really worried about the GOP’s cash advantage. Republican fundraising is THROUGH THE ROOF.

Combined, Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy, and their MAGA allies have hoarded nearly $350,000,000 to spend on taking down our Democrats. To make matters worse, one conservative group recently took in a donation of 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS. Yes, you read that right — that’s BILLION with a B!!!

Republicans are hoping their virtually endless war chest will allow them to drown out our message and create a massive RED WAVE across the country…and we’re worried their plan could work.

Red wave

Meanwhile, our fundraising has been lackluster. We missed FIVE fundraising goals this year, and now we’re at risk of not having the resources we need to fight in every swing district across the country.

We’re running out of time until Election Day, and if we don’t keep up with the GOP’s spending spree, we could lose everything.

That’s why we’re calling on committed Democrats to dig deep and give whatever they can to help Democrats WIN in November. In a race this close, every little bit helps — and with donations 600% MATCHED for a limited time, your contribution to save our House Majority will go even further.

Please, Team: Can we count on your 6X matched donation to help us save the Democratic House Majority?

Consistent with federal law, House Majority PAC makes its federal contributions from one account (the “Contribution Account”) and engages in the rest of its political activity from the other account (the “Non-Contribution Account”). You may contribute up to $5,000 per calendar year to House Majority PAC's Contribution Account. You may contribute an unlimited amount to House Majority PAC's Non-Contribution Account. By donating through this email, you agree that the first $5,000 of your contribution will be deposited in House Majority PAC's Contribution Account and the remainder in House Majority PAC's Non-Contribution Account. You may also designate a different allocation formula below. You also agree that this allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution to the Contribution Account.

Corporations/Labor Organizations: You may contribute an unlimited amount to House Majority PAC's Non-Contribution Account. You may not contribute to House Majority PAC's Contribution Account.

Contributions or gifts to House Majority PAC are not tax-deductible.

Paid for by House Majority PAC, http://www.thehousemajoritypac.com/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Thank you for being a committed supporter of House Majority PAC. We're working every day to protect our Democratic Majority.

Because President Obama said it best:
President Obama: You need to vote because our Democracy depends on it.
President Obama is right, John. We can't sit back and let Republicans ruin our democracy.

That's why we send you so many emails. We rely on grassroots supporters like you to fuel our efforts to take Republicans down. Our average online donation is $18.09. And we put every cent to good use to make sure our Democratic Majority has the resources they need to win.

If you'd like to unsubscribe from our emails altogether, you can click here. If you'd like to chip in and invest in our Democrats, you can click here.

If you'd like to connect with us on Facebook, click here. If you'd like to follow us on Twitter, click here.

From everyone here at team House Majority PAC, we're so grateful for your support!
House Majority PAC
700 13th Street NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx
United States