Missouri Green Party Logo

Jack --

Missouri Green Party Members and Friends

Despite turning in over 10,000 signatures from Missouri voters to the Secretary of State's Office to regain ballot access for the Green Party in Missouri this year, we have been informed that we fell just short of reaching the required 10,000 valid signatures. Thank you to everyone whose efforts got us so close to breaking the two-party stranglehold on Missouri politics this year!

Despite this setback, we learned several important lessons from our efforts as we continue our quest to break the two-party trap:

  1. This can be done with a volunteer effort. We almost did it this election cycle, even with Covid and so many other hurdles in our way. With just a little more help we can bring corporate-free candidates back to the ballot in Missouri in 2024 and beyond.
  2. The people of Missouri are hungry for more choices, especially a choice like the Green Party that brings the only candidates to the ballot that are not for sale to the highest bidder. Candidates that serve People, Planet, and Peace Over Profit. The Green Party is needed now more than ever!
  3. The best way to get out the Green Party message to our neighbors is to go out to them and talk with them face to face.The corporate parties have abandoned the public square and have left it to us. Our neighbors will not come to us, but if we go to them, we can build a movement that can challenge for power, but only if we have ballot access.
  4. We need to start early and work steadily to get the Green Party back on the ballot in 2024. If we get started right after the 2022 November election, then we have approximately 20 months to get 15,000 valid signatures (750 per month); enough to give us a safe cushion to get 10,000 valid signatures.  Nathan Kline in Kansas City did at least 1/3 of that alone this past election cycle.  Will two other people in the state of Missouri match that effort? Or will four people do 1/2 as much (125 a month)?  Or 8 people, 1/4 as much (63 a month [4 or 5 hours] per month)? Or 16 people do 1/8 as much (32 signatures [2 or 3 hours] per month). This is very doable. In a state with 6.2 million people, we should be able to get 16 people to make a modest three-hour monthly commitment to bring democracy back to this state. Will you step up?

If you are ready to do more than stand by and watch the ongoing disaster of the two-party system and are ready to do something about it, contact Nathan Kline at [email protected] or call 816-561-0455.

In Solidarity,

Cris Mann

Outreach Coordinator

Missouri Green Party Outreach

Missouri Green Party

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