We recently asked for your thoughts on your local public library, but we haven’t heard anything back.
Republicans are trying to control what your children read by defunding public libraries and banning books that touch on race, gender, and sexuality.
But we have no idea how much Washington Democrats care about their libraries, so we are giving you one more chance to respond.
So, do you approve of Washington’s public library?
YES >>
NO >>
We appreciate you taking the time to respond,
March On Data Team
HAPPENING NOW: Librarians stand up against GOP moves to ban books from public libraries
⦿ RAPID RESPONSE POLL FOR YOU: Do you approve of Washington’s public library?
YES >>
NO >>
This poll is registered exclusively to [email protected] to represent xxxxxx Democrats.
Republicans are passing legislation right now to BAN books, CONTROL what our children read, and DEFUND public libraries!
They're targeting books that discuss racial discrimination, women’s history, and LGBTQ+ issues. Disgusting!
But public libraries across the country are fighting back against these attacks on free thought and our democracy.
Please respond to show you support libraries, librarians, and teachers who REFUSE to give in to Republican demands.
Do you approve of Washington’s public library?
YES >>
NO >>
Take our official poll now!