John, I'm reaching out because I wanted to personally share some incredible news:

After polls showed me trailing Marco Rubio by 2 points for months, a brand-new poll just came out on Monday: It's 45-45. We're officially tied with Rubio in a race that could decide Senate control.

I couldn't have done this without you, but now I need you more than ever.

As you read this, Mitch McConnell and the GOP are gearing up to pour millions into this race to bombard us with nonstop attack ads from now until Election Day. That's because the GOP knows that if I defeat Rubio, it will virtually guarantee that Democrats keep Senate control.

This poll is proof that we can win this. But I'm getting outspent in key areas of Florida, and the GOP is only going to start spending even more to try to defeat us after this latest poll.

If we're going to counter their attacks, take the lead and protect our Senate majority, we need to raise $250,000 before midnight tonight – and I simply can't get there without your immediate donation.

That's why I'm asking you directly: Will you split $20 between my campaign and Serve America campaign right now to help me take the lead in the polls, defeat Marco Rubio and defend our Democratic Senate majority?

I know that with supporters like you by my side, we can do this. We can win this race. Thank you so much for all you do.

– Val Demings