California Bishops Respond to California’s ‘Reproductive Healthcare’ WebsiteAbortion-Only Website Tantamount to CoercionSACRAMENTO, CA – In response to the State of California’s release of its new “re

California Bishops Respond to California’s ‘Reproductive Healthcare’ Website


Abortion-Only Website Tantamount to Coercion


SACRAMENTO, CA – In response to the State of California’s release of its new “reproductive healthcare” website,, California Catholic Conference Executive Director Kathleen Domingo released the following statement:

“Yesterday, in a dismissive statement, the state of California released its new taxpayer-funded abortion website that is tantamount to coercion for California women. Touted as providing access to “reproductive care,” the new website only provides information on abortion, neglecting the millions of California women needing access to supportive care for cancer screening, fertility issues, prenatal care, childbirth, and a myriad of other healthcare concerns.

“When California families are struggling to pay for gas, afford rent, and put food on the table, promoting the violence of abortion solves none of the urgent problems countless families are facing. As Pope Francis said, “it is not ‘progressive’ to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life." 

“Earlier this year, the Catholic bishops of California recommitted the support of the entire Catholic community to economically vulnerable and marginalized women, children and families. The California Catholic Conference has helped pass legislation to expand paid family leave for low wage workers, ensure permanent supportive housing for homeless families, improve family finding for youth in foster care, and provide more community-based placement for incarcerated moms so they can bond with their children. 

“We have mobilized our community and shared comprehensive resources through our We Were Born Ready campaign to ensure California’s women, children and families can access support and services aimed to help them thrive. We have also raised awareness of the incredible care pregnancy centers and clinics around the state provide for medical needs, pregnancy resources, housing referrals, parenting classes, and the true variety of comprehensive services that women and families need.

“The Catholic community has provided for women, children, and families for centuries through our charities, hospitals, schools, churches and commitment of the faithful. We invite the state of California to join us in offering true comprehensive support services so that no mother or father is misled or coerced into ending a child’s life, and to ensure no mother or father walks their parenthood journey alone. 



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