I don't want to take too much of your time, John, but your action could save lives. We urgently need your response on our poll to ban military-style assault weapons. That’s why I’m reaching out to you personally.

With our deadline coming up at midnight, we're still waiting for 76 more responses — because without them, we won't have enough data to make the poll results official. There is so much riding on this legislation, and if Congress doesn't take this life-saving action, it would be a huge blow to our movement at the worst time. Please, share your thoughts on this crucial topic right now:

Do you think Congress should ban military-style assault weapons?

As a gun violence survivor myself, I know how devastating this loss can be. But with the NRA and its pocket politicians blocking our progress, we need to know you're in this fight with us. So please, respond to our live poll before the midnight deadline to add your voice to our cause:

Do you think Congress should ban military-style assault weapons?

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Liz Dunning

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Team Brady
Date: Tue, September 13, 2022
Subject: It's past time to reenact the federal ban on assault weapons