By now I'm sure you've heard, Democrats forced the vote yesterday and have officially IMPEACHED President Trump.
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By now I'm sure you've heard, Democrats forced the vote yesterday and have officially IMPEACHED President Trump.

Here's the kicker: Nancy Pelosi has already admitted this was all a sham and that the Dems' impeachment effort has been going on for "two and a half" years.

This morning things got even worse...Pelosi has announced she's going to sit on impeachment. Essentially she REFUSES to send the articles to the Senate until she thinks there is a chance that the Senate will remove President Trump from office.

Pelosi is truly acting as judge and jury.

So, I need to know if YOU will help set the record straight and join CDP's official Impeachment Defense Team.

We need to tell President Trump right away if you've got his back -- add your name below!


I, by digitally signing my name below, do hereby signal my acceptance to become a member of CDP'S IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE TEAM. I will not stand on the sidelines while liberal Democrat forces, unable to defeat President Trump at the ballot box in a fair election, seek to usurp the will of the American people using impeachment to REMOVE Donald Trump from office.

 John xxxxxx
 [email protected] xxxxxx

Please, act now -- before it's too late! To be effective the IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE TEAM needs to quickly reach an additional 50,000 members -- and that means that your signature is of the utmost importance!

I have been warning everyone how the Democrats have been cooking up this plot to remove the President from office, and now their plan is in full swing!

That is why I'm asking you to join CDP'S IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE TEAM immediately.

We must assemble this team now to actively counter their unprecedented attack -- and we need you on our team. So, please don't delay, click here to sign your name and join CDP'S IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE TEAM.

We are amassing a team of stalwart defenders of President Donald Trump for the sole purpose of defending him and preventing the liberal left from undoing the will of the voters. With your help, we will match them blow for blow by:

  • Advocating for President Trump on news outlets -- who who will have us on -- across the country, including CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC and everything in between.
  • Running hard-hitting ads across all mediums, including internet, radio, TV and print.
  • Rallying our base of supporters to fight back against the lies, deceit and mud-slinging of the Democrats.
  • Engaging in online efforts to coalesce activists in support of President Trump and against the sinister powers that are trying to defeat him.
  • Supporting deserving candidates that are facing tough re-election bids from a Democratic Party desperate to proceed with impeachment.
This effort will not be easy and it certainly won't come without significant cost.

While our adversaries have sugar-daddy donors like George Soros and Hollywood, we rely solely on your support.

That is why, in addition to joining our IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE TEAM, I am also calling on you to become one of our financial partners with a donation today.

Defend President Trump and help re-elect President Trump in 2020!

John, I can't stress this enough. The anti-Trump forces are strong and FULL of hate for him and his policies. They will stop at nothing and will not be satisfied until President Trump is removed from the White House.

So, again, without delay:

  1. Join CDP'S IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE TEAM by signing your name to the linked petition; and
  2. after that, make your generous Defend Trump contribution today.
I greatly look forward to you joining our team!

For Liberty, Freedom, and JUSTICE for all,

Senator Ted Harvey (R-CO)
Chairman, Committee to Defend the President

P.S. The Democrats have finally done it. They've impeached President Trump. In their eyes, his conservative achievements thus far are grounds for the "high crimes and misdemeanors" requirement for impeachment. We must not let them succeed. So, please, without delay, join CDP'S IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE TEAM by signing your name and make your most generous contribution today.

Mission Statement

Paid for by the Committee to Defend The President Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee

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