Stand with communities impacted by the climate crisis and support our work to stop dirty side deals in Congress.

Dear John,

Last week, Earthworks joined frontline organizers and climate activists from all over the country in Washington, D.C. to oppose a dirty bill to expand fossil fuel and dirty mining extraction proposed by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and supported by Democratic Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY). 

The dirty deal making its way through Congress would fast-track permits for new fossil fuel and mining projects, diminish environmental protections, and limit the ability for affected communities to appeal or provide input on proposed fossil fuel projects. 

The bill would disproportionately impact low-income communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color, continuing to propagate human sacrifice zones and adding more pollution to fuel the climate crisis. 

The oil, gas and mining industries pour millions into influencing environmentally devastating bills like Senator Manchin’s (D-WV), which is why it’s so important we make our voices heard!


But we don’t have much time to act. The bill is expected to be up for a vote by September 30th. Can you help us continue our support of these powerful and inspiring frontline community activists as they fight to protect their health and our climate?

Stand with communities impacted by the climate crisis and support our work to oppose dirty side deals and ensure this anti-climate bill DOES NOT pass. Chip in whatever you can!

We appreciate all of your support for our work and we will follow up. 

Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director


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