Good afternoon,

I want to make sure you did not miss the most recent column former Speaker and former GOPAC Chairman Newt Gingrich published for the Washington Examiner titled "A Five-Point Plan to Secure a Republican Majority Come November."

"First, ignore the media’s efforts to get you to focus on 2024 presidential politics and the unending effort to smear President Donald Trump. Your job is to stay focused on the issues that matter in the lives of everyday people. The cost-of-living crisis, especially the skyrocketing cost of food, comes first. The ripple effects of the cost-of-living crisis on electricity prices, gasoline prices, heating oil in the Northeast, diesel fuel, fertilizer, and other necessities should be a part of your campaign. When possible, campaign at gas stations and grocery stores. Explain big-government socialist spending as the major cause of inflation.

Second, crime may be the big sleeper issue this fall. Philadelphia is on pace to suffer from a record number of homicides in 2022. A staggering 70% of Philadelphians consider crime and safety their biggest issue. Biden said nothing about it while speaking there. Republicans might note that Pennsylvania’s Democratic senatorial candidate, John Fetterman, has two people convicted of murder on his payroll and voted to release other criminals with murder convictions from prison, even though the other members of the Board of Pardons refused to put them back on the street. In Atlanta, which now has more murders and aggravated assaults per capita than Chicago, the Democratic district attorney is focused on investigating the last election rather than locking up criminals. The same story can be told in city after city.

Third, tie the flood of illegal immigrants across the open border with the flood of illegal drugs and overdose deaths now surpassing 100,000 people per year. 

Fourth, insist on the right of parents to know what is being taught to their children and what is going on in the classrooms. As high a number as 84% believe parents have an absolute right to know what is being taught to their children.

Fifth, insist on a better funded-but-reformed Pentagon to enable America to stand up to communist China. Emphasize that we need a military focused on defeating America’s enemies, not on being a woke social service center."

Please take a moment to read the full column here, and we hope you find it of interest!

All the best,

Jessica Curtis

Executive Director


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