Green Party of the United States

Friend —

Have you SEEN this? An anonymous cable TV insider posted a VIRAL Twitter rant about the recent convulsions inside CNN, and how they are driven by the relentless quest for profits over journalism.

Once on a roll, this insider couldn't help but say out loud what we Greens know all too well: the corporate media purposefully avoids talking about Citizens United and the money networks make from political ads:


Oh, really? Why's that?

News Networks make more money during the 3 months leading up to

mid-terms than they do all year.  Imagine candy manufacturers during

October leading up to Halloween.  Now multiple that by 10x.  And a

Presidential Year: Fuggetaboutit. Ch-Ching!

Ch-Ching indeed! We can't let talking about one of the most toxic and reality-warping aspects of politics — the role of private money in elections — from getting in the way of that sweet, sweet "Ch-Ching!" Fuggetaboutit!

Close your eyes and imagine CNN, MSNBC FOX NEWS without PAC

spending  You can’t  They can’t  If they lived in a world where PACs

couldn’t spend money at will they’d all be out of jobs. Simple as that

They’ll never want it gone.  I’ve seen the books.  The business would

shut down

Now this is where our friend is wrong. We know they can't imagine a world without tidal waves of corporate cash flooding elections, but we can. Greens have campaigned on it for decades.

Public airtime.

Fully-public campaign finance, to let candidates spend their time talking to communities instead of dialing for TV ad dollars!

Will you help us make that world happen? CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News won't utter the words Citizens United or talk about how newsrooms kowtow to ad spending, but we do because we're not beholden to Wall Street. We belong to you. Will you donate $15 to the Green Party today so our candidates can fight for a world with fair elections and a news media that serves your community?


We encourage you to check out the full thread for yourself (warning, contains salty language).

It's an interesting glimpse into the upside-down world of the Corporate Media — how their bottom line makes serving the audience the last thing on their minds (unless you mean serving the audience to the advertisers, on a platter).

The Green Party serves the people and this planet. We're the only national, progressive party fighting to overturn this corrupt duopoly. It's a daily struggle and we're counting on your support. We ask that you give what you can today or, even better, sign up as a Monthly Sustainer at a level that works for you.

Thank you, to all who continue to give what you can!

In Solidarity,
Green Party of the United States

Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here.


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