FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 14, 2022


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Leora Levy Stands with Parents Against Woke Indoctrination in CT Schools

GREENWICH, CT - A recent NY Post article drew national attention to a troublesome discovery in a Connecticut public school of controversial and divisive material about ‘white privilege’ and ‘institutional racism’, which was not reviewed by school board officials. Many Connecticut parents are speaking out once again about woke ideology and racial division being pushed on students while in the classroom

Political outsider and U.S. Senate candidate Leora Levy issued a statement promising to stand with parents and increase parental rights in education. 

“The indoctrination of our children is wrong, and the Democrat Left has no problem forcing an extreme woke agenda on our school children. I will always side with parents over radical school boards, woke administrators, and the activist teachers’ unions. Our students are facing massive learning loss as a result of Blumenthal and his allies playing political games with the opening of schools, and now they’re standing idly by as parents grow frustrated and test scores drop to their lowest levels in decades.

“It’s time to return to teaching the fundamental subjects: true history, reading, math, science, civics and American Exceptionalism and leave woke political agendas out of the classroom.” 


About Leora

I am running to take on the far-left whose policies will make our country look more like the Communist Cuba my family and I escaped in 1960 than the United States we have all known and loved. I am running for Senate to lead the fight for freedom. Joe Biden isn't on the ballot in November, but his policies are. The way to beat back Biden is to beat Dick Blumenthal, and I am the political outsider who can get it done.

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