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Devex @UNGA77


From rhetoric to reality: Advancing global health equity

September 21
1:55 - 2:25 p.m. ET


• Dr. Vineeta Gupta, global health equity advocate, director, Action Secretariat
• Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS executive director, under-secretary-general, United Nations
• Loyce Pace, assistant secretary for global affairs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Interviewed by: Catherine Cheney, senior reporter, Devex

Join Dr. Vineeta Gupta, ACTION Secretariat director, and other global health advocates for an important discussion on how we can turn rhetoric into action to move the needle forward on global health equity -- A conversation you don't want to miss!

Engage with us on Twitter: @action_tweets   @guptavineeta

See some of Vineeta’s work on health equity and decolonizing global health:

- Opinion: Avoiding the colonization of 'health equity' in Devex  

- The COVID-19 pandemic response: A microcosm of neocolonialism that hurts us all in BMJ Global Health  

- Health Equity: Who Owns the Agenda? (workshop) 

- Regional and Global Advocacy for Health Equity: A Dialogue  

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