House Passes Amnesty for More than One Million Illegal Aliens We have HOPE that you've convinced enough in Congress to back off, but we're urgently underfunded as this fight goes to the Senate.
Hey John, The House of Representatives last week passed a massive, new amnesty for well over a million illegal aliens. That's bad news, no matter how you spin it. But there is some good news: Our members and allies made enough of an uproar about it that we minimized Republican support for the bill. We may have changed Republican leaders' minds about passing it. We're not surprised we couldn't outright defeat the bill in the Democrat-controlled House. And It had been shocking to see dozens of Republicans falling over themselves to support this bill. Some people thought up to HALF of House Republicans -- maybe even Donald Trump -- would support the bill. The following quote was typical of a certain kind of Republican Representative: "This [Ag Jobs bill] is exactly the kind of 'merit-based' immigration reform President Trump has been calling for. "I spoke directly with President Trump about the Farm Workforce Modernization Act and the need for a solution for our farmers. He agreed: We must provide relief now." -- U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, Yakima Herald, Dec 8, 2019 Thank goodness for our supporters! You clobbered the Washington phone lines, and just about everyone who hadn't already voiced support for the bill backed away, Republican leaders "whipped" their members for "no" votes, and even a few co-sponsors changed their minds! Unfortunately, these efforts cost far, far more than we've taken in lately. To continue this battle, we need to make up for these deficits! Please donate today!
I want to be clear what just happened here: We've sapped much of the energy out of Republican supporters of this amnesty. But while NumbersUSA and its members threw a punch, it was NOT a knock-out blow for this bill. It may take another huge round of activism to finally put this bill to rest. We made headlines that this is an amnesty... and THAT was crucial. "Farm bill panned as mass 'amnesty' for illegal immigrants heads to vote in House" -- Fox News headline, Dec 6 Here's the bad news - we don't currently have the financial resources we need to defeat this bill in the Senate. Our goal is to continue to bring enough attention to this amnesty that Republican leaders won't want to allow a vote that could split their base and allow people to credibly say they've betrayed their supporters. We urgently need your help to do that. Do you mind a sports analogy? It's like we're still behind 3 games to 2 in the World Series. But our opponents' star pitchers are battered and now we're going to have home-park advantage for the rest of the series. That doesn't mean we've won! Please don't think the bill is dead just because it's going to the Republican Senate. There are plenty of Senators whose first instinct is to listen to the agricultural and business lobbies! And there are still Republicans trying to expand this bill to all industries! Read this, from "It is great to see Democrat and Republican lawmakers finally working on immigration legislation... This bill is a good step in the right direction, and its progress thus far is encouraging. However, it only applies to agriculture. "Our lawmakers should get to work on similar bills for construction, manufacturing, and hospitality, etc. Why limit this bill to agriculture? Include the rest of America!" --, Dec. 6, 2019 Outrageous! I want to believe that is grasping at straws. I want to believe that Rep. Newhouse is spinning his meeting in the White House, and that Pres. Trump would never sign an amnesty-only bill. But the President HAS missed an opportunity to threaten to veto the bill. Under the headline of "Donald Trump Threatens Veto of Cheap Drug Bill but Not Farmworker Amnesty," Breitbart News wrote: "President Donald Trump's deputies say he will veto the Democrats' pending drug bill but have not threatened to veto a Democrat bill to amnesty at least one million illegals and encourage foreign H-2A visa workers to take agriculture jobs from American agriculture workers." -- Breitbart, Dec 10, 2019 The Ag Worker amnesty is not just the Democrats' bill! Yes, there is still danger that this bill could become law. The day after Fox News credited grass roots opposition with slowing down support for the bill, it also ran this headline: "The bill's Republican support, with a number co-sponsoring the measure, raises the possibility that a form of such a bill could have a shot in the Republican-controlled Senate." -- Fox News, Dec 12, 2019 We hope we might get a few Democrats in the Senate to oppose the bill. Before he was a Presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders once asserted that guest workers "have been routinely cheated out of wages, held virtually captive by employers who have seized their documents, forced to live in unspeakable inhumane conditions and denied medical benefits for on-the-job injuries," in programs he calls "close to slavery." Even better, we have strong hopes that this bill will not be brought up for a vote if we push hard enough against it. But your Senators need to hear from you... and from tens of thousands of your fellow citizens. You can help us reach as many of them as possible by giving to NumbersUSA Action. This is urgent: We were able to spend the funds we needed because we were counting on our membership to resupply the funds. That hasn't happened yet. We have to be accountable to our Board of Directors who ensure the financial stability of our organization. If we're going to deliver the final blow to this legislation, and if we're going to be able to fight the next battle, we need far more of our members to demonstrate their support for us. So please, carefully consider how much it's worth it to you to reject the amnesties Washington keeps trying to force America to accept. And then donate as generously as you are able to.
You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |