Today, Senator Lindsey Graham proposed a national abortion ban. It’s clear: Republicans will stop at nothing to dismantle our fundamental right to a safe, legal abortion.

Elect Katie Hobbs


Today, Senator Lindsey Graham proposed a national abortion ban, making it clearer than ever: Republicans will stop at nothing to dismantle our fundamental right to a safe, legal abortion.

In light of this news, I wanted to take a moment to share my personal story:

I am the proud mother of two beautiful children. But those weren’t my only pregnancies. Like many other women, I suffered miscarriages.

During one of my pregnancies, the doctors told me that for my health, they would need to perform a surgery to remove the pregnancy tissue. This is the same procedure that’s commonly used for abortions, and one that can now be banned after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and ended protections for women’s reproductive rights.

From personal experience, I can say that losing a pregnancy is already hard enough. I can’t imagine what that situation would have been like had I been told that the best medical decision for my health and safety is also one that would be considered criminal, and would land my doctor in prison.

Now, too many women will face that choice. We’re facing nearly constant attacks on our right to make our own decisions about our health, and in our state, my far-right opponent, Kari Lake, has vowed to criminalize abortion if elected.

The good news is that we still have a choice at the ballot box this November. It’s never been more urgent that we vote for leaders who will fight for us and for our freedoms.

That is exactly what I’ll do as Arizona’s next governor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

— Katie