Google founder makes excellent case for DAF regulation by flagrantly flouting philanthropic standards, the child tax credit withheld from those who need it most, SCOTUS defaults against architecture that is hostile to those without homes, and more!
When confronted with the need to spend, Larry Page’s foundation simply moves the requisite amount of dollars into donor-advised funds, thus evading spend-down requirements.
The 2017 Tax Act doubled the tax credit for children. However, 70 percent of young children in single-parent families headed by women don’t receive the full credit.
How to Engage Your Students in 2020 Webinar December 17: Join the University of San Francisco,, and to learn how you can integrate SMS into your Salesforce workflows.
It’s critical that every eligible citizen who wishes to vote can. Making that less likely are state election officials who focus on the nonexistent problem of voter fraud.
In the past decade, family members of prisoners have seen costs skyrocket, as more and more services, even at state prisons, are outsourced to private vendors. It’s the epitome of a captured market.
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