Hi John,
Did you know Oregon ranks highest on the amount corporations donate to political candidates, per resident? 
Timber companies, in particular, spend big money, giving more to Oregon lawmakers than to lawmakers in any other state. And these big corporations are not using their influence to look out for our best interest. 
Outraged? There’s something you can do right now to make a difference. 
The State of Oregon gives eligible tax-paying Oregonians a $50 gift ($100 for married couples filing jointly) that you can donate to a qualified political group. By contributing to OLCV PAC, you will help people-power the fight against big polluters and it won’t cost you a dime. That’s a win, win!
Big Timber and Big Oil use their influence to get rollbacks on state environmental protections, including our air and water protections. Just this year, they used their influence to kill the Clean Energy Jobs bill, which means Oregon is falling behind on climate even as Oregonians overwhelmingly want climate action now. 
But we are not giving up. With your help we will take on Big Timber and Big Oil. And win. We will elect leaders who are ready to do the same. Donate to OLCV PAC today and help us build the grassroots support that we need to send new environmental champions to the Capitol.
Oregon’s politicians should stand up for the people, not corporate interests. Help fund our work for people over profits by using your Political Tax Credit to make a grassroots contribution to OLCV PAC today.
Never give up,
Lindsey Scholten
Political Director, OLCV
Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters

Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States