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Dear Friends, 

Come join us tomorrow, Wednesday, September 14th at 12:30pm ET for a timely political discussion with Dem strategist and data guy Tom Bonier.   Tom’s analysis of voting and voter registration from across the US has garnered a great deal of attention in recent weeks.  He has found a big and potentially consequential surge in women registering to vote, voting and requesting mail ballots since the ending of Roe.  He wrote about what he is seeing in a  NYTimes op-ed, "Women Are So Fired Up To Vote, I've Never Seen Anything Like It."  He will be reviewing the data he’s put together and talking about what he thinks it means for the November elections. 

Tom has been in high demand and we are pleased he will be spending time with us tomorrow via Zoom.   You can RSVP here.  Feel free to invite others - all are welcome. 

Our friend Tom Bonier is a Democratic political strategist and the C.E.O. of TargetSmart, a data and polling firm. He teaches political science at Howard University and is a member of S.E.I.U. Local 500.

Join us - this will be a good one!

Onward, the NDN Team



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